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What is the cause of hair loss - here are all solutions!

 Almost every woman knows this feeling when she washes her hair and suddenly feels that some of it remains in her hand. Other women see the hair they lost on a hair comb. Hair plays an important role in building our self-confidence. All you need to know about the cause of hair loss and methods of prevention in the following article:

The appearance of hair has always been associated with a feeling of self-confidence in women and for most women it is of great importance. Long, neat hair has always been associated with femininity and elegance. The appearance of hair is more prominent than any accessories or clothing and for many women it is a source of pride. Sometimes the appearance of hair also indicates a person's nature or lifestyle. And curly hair sometimes indicates an impulsive and youthful character, soft hair indicates a more stable and mature character.

The appearance of hair is important for women unequivocally in terms of self-confidence, and for most of them it forms an integral part of the external appearance that, along with other external and internal elements, is the identification card about the first impression. By the way, and in this context, it is important to mention that it is not by chance that the phrase Bad Hair Day has become entrenched in language and culture, indicating a situation in which the appearance of untidy hair affects the mood and general feeling of that day.

Hair loss is a well-known medical problem that does not distinguish between men and women. It can attack any age and the causes that are very many, such as: poor nutrition and lack of proteins (hair is made of the protein keratin), psychological causes related to stress, stress or depression. Also, hair loss can occur for purely medical reasons, so it is important to have an examination by a doctor.

So when does medicine determine "hair loss"?

When the natural hair change occurs, every day about 100 to 150 hairs are shed and new, thicker hairs (final hair) grow in their place. We are born with a number of hair follicles ranging from 70,000 to 120,000. During life, about 20 hairs grow from each follicle, as they grow more in summer and less in winter.

In the process of baldness, the new hairs that grow instead of those that have fallen are fine and smooth (locks). Normally, about 85% of hair is in the growth phase, and about 10 to 15% - in the hair loss phase. In the case of baldness, the percentage of hair that is in the hair loss stage goes up, and it can reach 50%!

For example, lack of protein in nutrition leads to hair loss for the simple reason that there are not enough proteins to produce hair and maintain the status quo. Increasing the amount of protein consumed helps the body to produce new hair in a relatively short time, and hair returns to its previous appearance.

However, not every cause of hair loss is so simple, and therefore not all solutions are immediate and easy to implement. As mentioned, there are other reasons for hair loss that one needs to purchase items specifically for hair care, for example, Bilksil. However, if you have already been diagnosed with hair loss or perhaps you are afraid that you have a condition like this, does this mean that you should not go to a barber anymore? not at all.

A hairdresser says that it is possible to distinguish women with hair loss even without warning the customer about it. From our experience over the years, we say that there is no need to abstain from performing the normal operations that women perform in the barbershop such as dyeing hair, smoothing hair, etc. This is because the cause of hair loss is due to weak hair follicles, which are located in the skin layer furthest from the scalp ( Hypiderms).

The hairdresser also points to a number of high-risk groups of women who may suffer from hair loss: pregnant women and after pregnancy, and hormonal change can lead to hair loss, stress situations, changes in weather conditions, especially in the period of changing seasons and in the end also unhealthy nutrition. With a deficiency in iron and protein.

Hairdressers recommend that women suffering from hair loss take care to cut their hair more frequently in order to strengthen the hair follicles. Of course, the cause of hair loss must be known and accordingly the correct medical recommendation should be given. Another recommendation is to avoid the use of substances that clog the top layer of the skin (epidermis, epiderms).

Selected superstitions:

Gathering hair in a hair-weakening ponytail: The truth is, yeah

Of course, it depends on the type of ponytail. We're talking about a tight fit that you tie in the morning and release before you go to bed. What will happen is that over time (years), your hair will start thinning in the front area. Why? Because when you pull the hair down for a long period of time, you are causing damage to the hair roots, and it will reward you accordingly.

Daily hair washing leads to hair loss: incorrect!

In fact, the opposite is true. Daily hair washing keeps hair clean and is therefore recommended, especially for oily hair. When the hair is dry, you can suffice by washing it twice a week.

Hair straighteners, dyes and curls cause hair loss: Right!

Every modification of the hair, such as tension or changes in the building, weakens the hair. Gathering hair in a tight ponytail, pulling hair while straightening, curling - all exacerbate brittleness and certainly can lead to hair loss.

Shampoo and conditioner affect hair loss: incorrect!

The truth is that no shampoo or conditioner can penetrate the skin of the scalp, so it does not harm the roots of the hair. Also, the lotions do not strengthen the root, and thus they do not prevent its loss.

Washing hair or combing hair leads to hair pulling and hair loss: not accurate!

The truth is that every hair present in the shedding stage has already been separated from the scalp. When combing or washing the hair, there is no effect of static electricity and the hairs that were separated during the day fall off during washing. If this is the case, it is not correct to say that combing or washing is what leads to hair pulling. If the hair does not fall out when combing or washing it, it will fall out in other ways during the day.

